Every believer has unique gifts and talents which God has given for the building up of the church.
Having gifts that differ according to the grace given to us, let us use them… (Romans 12:6 ESV).
God has given each of you a gift from his great variety of spiritual gifts. Use them well to serve one another (1 Peter 4:10 NLT).
Since you are eager for gifts of the Spirit, try to excel in those that build up the church (1 Corinthians 14:12 NIV).
At Good News, we encourage all people to use their gifts as, together, we serve our church family, our community, and our world. Our service teams and committees create, plan, encourage, pray, fellowship, and build each other up as we invite others to become disciples of Jesus.
Ways to Serve
- Building and Property Team (Brian Clayton, chair): Cares for the properties and buildings of Good News.
- Mercy and Ministry Team (Stacey Snyder & Monika Sperlich, co-chairs): Serves the needs of our church family with acts of kindness, fosters fellowship through a variety of activities, and responds to needs in our local community with an emphasis on engaging others with the love of Jesus Christ and in the ministries of Good News.
- Safety Team (Andy Haines, chair): Serves our church family by increasing overall safety on the property, responding to emergency situations, and providing basic first aid care.
- Worship and Music Team (Kris Mattern, chair): Coordinates and plans the worship, music, and praise life of Good News.
- Christian Education Committee (Pastors Michael Edwards & Marc Sperlich, co-chairs): Encourage Christian education and growth for all age levels and discipleship in the home by equipping parents and children with the Word of God.
Speak with the chair of the team or committee you are interested in to know how you can be involved. If you are unsure of how you might best use your gifts, speak with one of the pastors.